Friday, October 24, 2008

New Employment

For those of you who don't know, I just started a new job this week.  I'm an "agent assistant" for an insurance agent... sounds a lot better than secretary, huh?  I thought so.  But for the first time in my life I have a job where I feel so lost and helpless.  I know nothing about insurance.  I've had jobs in the past where I knew nothing starting out, jewelry sales for example, but was able to manage.  "This diamond ring is my favorite.  It's so sparkly."  Not hard.  But when it comes to insurance and annuities I can't even pretend to know what I'm talking about.  It's been a little stressful, but Nate just keeps telling me that with time I will be the best insurance agent assistant ever.  My boss has also talked to me about getting licensed, which would help out.

So I was sitting here thinking of all my past jobs and all their low points.  Here are the top three:

1.)  Working Fast Food-  One day while cleaning off tables I was approached by a gentleman who proceeds to ream me for "using chemicals around [his] wife when she has severe chemical allergies."  I was at a complete loss for words and actually apologized... excessively.  How was I supposed to know that his wife could die (which he made very clear) from cleaner?  Of course later I thought of all the great replies... isn't that always the case?  (Oh, and he finished his meal INSIDE while his wife finished hers outside... what a great catch.) 

2.)  Jewelry Sales-  Telling a guy that I wasn't sure if a watch we sold was "quartz."  He then informed me that quartz meant battery-powered.  Who knew?  I felt so stupid; even though my knowledge of diamonds, pearls, precious stones, gold, kinetic watches, adjusting watch bands, etc. is actually quite extensive.   

3.)  McDonalds-  A cute boy came through drive-thru and after handing him his food, he asked what time it was.  I looked at my analog watch (see I told you I know my jewelry!) and proceeded to tell him the time.  He gave me an odd look and drove away.  I then realized I mixed up the hour and minute hands... yeah.

1 comment:

Mike and Lisa said...

Oh, the good ole Mcdonalds days...I still remember working with you in drive thru and such. To this day I still can't eat there!